We prefer to receive invoices as e-invoices. In case your company does not have possibility to send us e-invoices or send invoices by e-mail, you can send paper invoices to a scanning service address. We don’t receive invoices to our visiting address.
Name: Eventum Lahti Oy
Business ID: 3413274-9
E-invoice address: 003734132749
Operator: Maventa
Operator code: 003721291126
If you have a bank as an operator, please use DABAFIHH instead of Maventa.*
Use this operator code in case you do not have possibility to send invoices directly to Maventa’s operator code.
Invoices by email to the scanning service
Address for the e-mail invoices: 34132749@scan.netvisor.fi
We kindly ask you to notice that this address is only for invoices. Invoices should be as PDF-format attachments and the invoice attachments must be in the same file.
- You can send multiple invoices in one email as long as each invoice is a separate attachment. All files must have a different name.
- The maximum size of one email is 5Mb.
- PDF files must be authentic PDF documents (PDF version 1.3 or later).
- PDF files can not be locked or password protected.
- The outer dimension of the document can be maximum 210 x 297 mm.
- The permitted characters in the name of the attachment are ordinary characters, a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Do not use special characters to name
Invoices by post to the scanning service
Eventum Lahti Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
Please notice that this address is only for invoices. These mails are automatically read into our company’s ledger, and other material (e.g. receipts, business gifts, credit cards and tickets) will not reach its recipient through this way.
Please prefer to use only black text colour on a white background: it gives the clearest result for the identification of the data.
Do not use staples for invoices sent to a scanning service.
Management and Administration

Niina Pyökkilehto

Eva Pääkkönen